GREAT Scholarships

The GREAT Scholarships offer students from 15 countries the opportunity to fund £10,000...

Zero Carbon Conference for students and Open university course

International Zero Carbon Conference, 9.-10.4.2024. An online conference for vocational, high school and university ...

Invitation to a Speech on "Targeted grazing as a wildfire prevention tool in Greece: an ecological and social approach"

We inform you that the PhD Candidate of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design Dimitris ...

Memorial Event for the Tempe Disaster "Mother I'll Be Late"

The Student Associations of “Forestry, Wood Science & Design” and “Food Science and Nutrition”...

Geotechnical Chamber of Greece Conference: Forest Fires - Conclusions and Directions. The case of Evros

The Geotechnical Chamber of Greece, in the context of its institutional role as State Advisor in ...

Invitation to Participate in Erasmus BIP Program (Joensuu Finland 9-16 June 2024)

The Department of Forestry, Wood Science & Design invites students to take part in ...