
on the website of the MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy, of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of University of Thessaly!

Courses Application Form


on the website of the MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy, of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of University of Thessaly!

Courses Application Form


on the website of the MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy, of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of University of Thessaly!

Courses Application Form


on the website of the MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy, of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of University of Thessaly!

Courses Application Form
35% of the courses of the Master's Program "Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy" can be carried out remotely through modern online education platforms.


The main purpose of the PMS is to:

a) Creation of specialized and competent business and service executives, as well as entrepreneurs and researchers in matters of bio-economy and the application of its principles in the modern multifunctional management of forest ecosystems,
b) Promotion of knowledge in the specific subjects of the MSc and
c) Preparation for doctoral level studies.

Get to know the Master's Program

The MSc was established by Official Gazette 3685/03.09.2020 t'B and is operating for the first time from the academic year 2020-2021. MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy is the the Unique Master's which operates in Greek Higher Education and specializes in all modern subjects related to the management of forest ecosystems and the natural resources of great value that they maintain such as forests, meadows, wetlands and game species, in technology, innovation and entrepreneurship, in the marketing of biological products , in investments aimed at the exploitation of natural resources, while at the same time emphasis is placed on innovative approaches related to High Added Value wood products, the production of non-wood forest products such as mushrooms, resin and aromatic plants, in the management of urban greenery, ecotourism, in the modern applications of Geographical Information Systems in the utilization and management of natural resources and in biomass energy utilization technologies.


Diploma thesis examination program and oath of MSc

Dear students of the MSc, as the supervisors have already informed you...
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Suspension of Educational Procedures due to the Conduct of European Elections on June 9, 2024

Due to the holding of the European elections on Sunday 9 June 2024 and in order to facilitate the Members of...
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Date of examination of diploma theses at MSc

According to a relevant decision of the Assembly of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, the presentation...
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Details about the MSc can be found on this website by browsing it or contact us directly at +306946281442 (mvrahnak@uth.gr) or the secretary of the MSc Mr. Athanassios Kyriakis at +30 24410 64730 (msc-forest.fwsd@uth.gr).

We will gladly welcome you to MSc, so that by working together we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship, both in the professional field and in the field of further research!

We hope to meet your aspirations!

Professor Michalis Vrachnakis

Director of the Graduate Program
