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On Thursday and Friday, December 1-2, 2022, a Transnational Project Meeting and a Hands-on Training Workshop will be held at the facilities of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design (FWSD) of the University of Thessaly in Karditsa as part of the project "Advanced TRAiNing on SUstainable MANagement of pastoral systems – TranSuMan" (Erasmus+ Programme, Agreement Number: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000032227) (https://www.ucv.es/investigacion/transhuman/grasslands-management).
Academics from the Universities of Camerino (Italy), Babes Bolyai (Romania) and Fundacion Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir (Spain) will take part in the meeting.
The purpose of the meeting, in addition to examining the administrative course of the project, is the organization of scientific lectures on the training and evaluation of guidelines in the methodology of participatory grassland management (Teaching and evaluation of the "Methodological guidelines on participatory grassland management") as well as the presentation of educational tools for the sustainable management of grasslands (Presentation of draft "Sustainable Grassland Management Teaching Toolkit").
The lectures are addressed to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the FWSD Department who make up the Green Team and who were pre-selected at the start of the project (June 2022). The Green Group also includes stakeholders.
It is believed that the coexistence of the three stakeholders (students, academics, stakeholders), the teaching and the management tools that will be demonstrated, will work in favor of the students to build a comprehensive understanding of the professional approach to the grasslands of the European Union.
The program and the relevant banner of the meeting are attached.
On behalf of the Greek Team of the TranSuMan project,
Professor Michalis Vrachnakis
Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design
University of Thessaly