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The project "Advanced training on sustainable management of pastoral systems" (TranSuMan), approved by the European Commission within the framework of ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 (KA220 HED)- Cooperation partnerships in higher education, officially ends on April 2, 2024. The project was coordinated by the Universita degli Sudi di Camerino (Italy) and also involved the Fundacion Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir (Spain), the Universitatea Babes (Romania), while the University of Thessaly was represented by the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, the members of the Department, Mr. Michalis Vrachnakis, Associate Professor, Mr. Ioannis Kazoglou, and Associate Professor, Mr. Marios Trigkas. At the same time, from the beginning (01/03/2022) to the end of the project, a group of 17 undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Department and stakeholders (stakeholders) were employed.
The most important results of the project were the development of (a) methodological guidelines, (b) integrated scientific tools (toolkit), (c) a single online course (on-line course) and (d) future perspectives and a replicability plan ) for the sustainable management of grasslands. The development of these achievements as well as other issues related to the ecology, management and exploitation of the grasslands developed during the project were communicated at the local level so that the relevant actors are informed about the cutting edge of science and about the latest developments and scientific achievements on grassland ecology and management.
Project results are available at:
Professor Michalis Vrachnakis
Coordinator of the Greek department