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Students wishing to move for STUDIES under the Erasmus+ European Program in the academic year 2024-25 should submit their application exclusively online. Detailed information about the procedure can be found here.
Students can find out about the cooperating Universities of their Departments here: http://erasmus.uth.gr/gr/spoudes/etairoi-gr
You can see instructions for online submission of applications here .
After completing all the fields electronically, they should then "upload" the necessary accompanying supporting documents:
- The Application for Participation form in full completed with updated personal information.
- Certificate of recent Analytical Grade from the Secretariat of the Department where they belong.
- Short Curriculum Vitae, which will include the reasons why they want to participate in the ERASMUS+ program (in Greek). The CV can NOT be handwritten. Relevant form can be found at: https://europass. cedefop.europa.eu/el/documents/curriculum-vitae
- Copies of language ability certificates.
- Copy of Police Identity Card.
Candidates' applications are submitted exclusively online through a link provided in the instructions from:
from Monday 15 January to Thursday 15 February 2024 (until 13.00, Greek time)
and will concern travel during the 2024-2025 academic year.
- Students have the right to submit one application to participate in the Erasmus+ Program per academic year (for studies or for internships).
- The applications of the interested parties, after being gathered at the Office of International European Programs/Erasmus+, are sent to the Academic Heads of the Departments for the final selection.
- Any movement of the student requires approval of the study program by the body designated by the Department (Department Assembly) as responsible for matching, recognition or equivalence.
The results of this selection are announced on the website of the Office of International Relations of the University of Thessaly.
For any question:
For the Departments of Larissa – Karditsa – Trikala: Ms. Areti Bania, +302410 684727 – aretibania@uth.gr