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According to a relevant decision of the Assembly of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, the presentation of the diploma theses of MSc in Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy for the current period is scheduled for Friday 28.6.2024.
Those diploma theses that are ready should first have the approval of the supervising professor. They should then be sent by the supervising professor to the other 2 members of the Committee. When the necessary corrections are made, the necessary check by the Turn-it-in plagiarism software is done and there is the agreement of all members, the thesis is submitted by the candidate to the Secretariat, with notification to the members of the Committee, at the latest until 23/6/2024, in order for the program of presentations to be approved by the Department Assembly.
The next period of theses presentations will take place at the end of October 2024.
Good luck,
Michalis Vrachnakis
Director of MSc POLYVIO