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A few days extension is announced for the submission of applications to the Master’s Program (MS) entitled “Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bioeconomy”, of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design (FWSD) of the School of Technology of the University of Thessaly, for the Academic Year 2024-2025, until Monday, September 16, 2024, according to No. 111/30.8.2024 (issue 2) decision of the Assembly of the FWSD Department.
Interested parties are invited to send the fully completed Expression of Interest Request in Google Forms – https:/ /docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSepuaGzgUrrTFlL88Psd7bLWE_3PT_7_HXAUR2k32VcJWr6Mw/viewform by attaching electronically or sending them to the Secretariat msc-forest.fwsd@uth.gr the supporting documents mentioned in the announcement: https://fwsd.uth.gr/el/2024/06/03/prosklisi-ekdilwsis-endiaferontos-mcs-polyvio-2024-2025/
Details about the course can be found on the MSc website: https://msc-forest.fwsd.uth .gr/
- Secretary of MSc, mr. Kyriakis Athanasios, Tel: +302441064730, email: msc-forest.fwsd@uth.gr
- The Director of MSc, Associate Professor M. Trigkas, tel. +306974287874, email: mtrigkas@uth.gr;
The Director of the Graduate Program
Associate Professor at the University of Thessaly