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A few days extension is announced for the submission of applications to the Master's Program entitled "Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy", of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design (FWSD) of the School of Technology of the University of Thessaly, for the Academic Year 2023-2024, until Friday, September 15th, 2023,according to No. 94/30.8.2023 (subject 5o) decision of the Assembly of the FWSD Department.
In Msc university graduates, graduates of the Departments of Forestry, former Forestry and Natural Environment Management, Geotechnical Sciences, Environment, graduates of other University Departments with relative relevance to the subject of the said MSc which, as the case may be, are judged by the competent Postgraduate Student Selection committee, graduates of foreign universities, in a related specialty, after presenting the equivalence of their degree from the competent body.
Details about the study can be found on the MSc website https://msc-forest.fwsd.uth. gr/, while the announcement in its full form is: https://msc-forest.fwsd.uth.gr/prosklisi-ekdilwsis-endiaferontos-eisagwgis-msc-2023-2024/.
- Secretary of MSc, mr. Kyriakis Athanasios, Tel: +302441064730, email: msc-forest.fwsd@uth.gr
- The Director of MSc. Professor Michail Vrachnakis, tel. +306946281442, email: mvrahnak@uth.gr
The Director of the Graduate Program
Professor of University of Thessaly