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On the occasion of the devastating fires of the last few days in Northern Evia, Northern Attica, Ilia, Mani and other regions of our country, the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Planning of the University of Thessaly expresses its solidarity and support to the fire-affected residents and professionals of these areas and to the people who are currently fighting the battle to deal with the phenomenon on all fronts, and among other things he points out the following:
Forest fires are a phenomenon that happened, is happening and will happen in forest ecosystems and especially in Mediterranean ones, such as those in Greece. In fact, the chances of the occurrence of forest fires worldwide and in our country are expected to increase in the coming years, as one of the consequences of climate change.
In Greek universities there are currently five (5) Departments of Forestry from which Foresters - Environmentalists graduate, having as one of their main academic subjects the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and the scientific-technological deepening of their multifunctional role in the whole range of complex processes and procedures that govern them. These graduates, as specialist scientists, staff the Forestry Service and other bodies of the State and the private sector, with the aim of managing - protecting - developing forests and the natural environment and the entire sector of primary and secondary production that it is associated with forests and woodlands.
In this context, valuable knowledge has been developed regarding the prevention and treatment of forest fires. Unfortunately, however, we have observed in recent decades that there is a steady gradual degradation in the field of forests and the natural environment, but also in the field of prevention and treatment of forest fires, which are in need of revision.
The Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of the University of Thessaly, in the context of its scientific specialization but also its social responsibility, points out the following axis of action and redesign of the forest fire prevention and response policy.
- Formation of a clear national forest policy for the coming decades for our country, adapted to the conditions of the Mediterranean but also to the logic of international developments, to protect and highlight the multiple role of Greek forests as a key factor in a sustainable and sustainable economic development, capable of mitigating as well as addressing the impacts of climate change, while contributing to social well-being.
- Strengthening of the decimated Forestry Service in resources and personnel, in order to re-promote the effective management of our country's forests. Through this management, emphasis is placed on the prevention of forest fires (clearing of forests by felling, maintenance and opening of the forest road network, creation of fire protection zones, forestry measures for the development of forest species resistant to fire, etc.) and at the same time income is ensured for the populations of the countryside, forming a culture of protection of this wealth-producing resource.
- Unit body for dealing with forest fires. The management – prevention – suppression – restoration of forest fires and their effects is a single and integrated approach to dealing with the phenomenon. The Greek state - with related political decisions - unfortunately fragmented the subject, placing particular emphasis on repression, with many times wasting financial and human resources, with little or no results. The Foresters have the scientific knowledge and training to contribute substantially in this direction and the development of an integrated management - prevention - suppression - restoration plan for forest fires, in collaboration with the Fire Service, the local authorities and other involved bodies.
- Codification of forest legislation and completion of forest maps, without exceptions and asterisks. The fragmented and labyrinthine forest and environmental legislation and the foggy land use landscape of the Greek territory are perhaps the two most important factors for the "genesis" of fires in our country, perhaps even more important than climate change itself! The Forestry Service needs support in means and personnel, so that it can seamlessly complete the task it has undertaken, that is, the completion of the country's forest maps.
- Utilization of the applied scientific knowledge and innovation developed in the Forestry Departments of the Universities of the country around the broader subject of forest management and exploitation. At the same time, the University can and should take on an informing role - raising awareness of public opinion, in order to strengthen the co-responsible attitude of citizens in the protection of our forests and to highlight the multiple role they play, without disorientation of public opinion is created by various "responsible" and "sensitized" people of the internet and the media with the diffusion of responsibilities and mutual accusations about them.
- Recognition of the important role of the paraforest population. Incentives and appropriate training should be given, so that the citizen becomes active and does not sit idly in front of the television. Livestock breeders, members of forestry cooperatives, beekeepers, loggers, resin collectors, etc., can contribute significantly to the rapid extinguishing of fires. It is known that the most effective intervention in fires is done from the ground and within a short time (15-20') from their occurrence. Individual responsibility must be integrated into comprehensive protection plans.
- Substantial support for primary sector professionals, who continue to operate in the countryside and keep local communities alive - typically declining and unable to retain young people in mountainous and disadvantaged areas. In the current planning phase of the national options for the measures to be included in the next period of the Common Agricultural Policy (2023-2029), the decisions to finance pro-environmental practices that contribute to the prevention of land abandonment and the sustainable management of the natural environment , is crucial. Measures to support multi-purpose forestry, the establishment of agroforestry systems, the maintenance of extensive livestock farming (including the exploitation of indigenous breeds of farm animals), organic agriculture and animal husbandry, are just some of the proposals for the retention and decent living of rural populations. .
We once again express our support to our fellow citizens who are being tested by the fires at this time, and we invite everyone to think - plan - act with responsibility, knowledge, respect for the forest and the natural environment, and with a view to social well-being and sustainable development. The scientific staff of the Department is at the disposal of the State for any participation in the effort to radically and effectively deal with the phenomenon, and to protect and highlight the country's forests! With the wish and exhortation that all the above not be forgotten the day after the devastating work of the forest fires, let everyone responsibly reflect on their role in this great case of the protection and management of of our forests!