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In the framework of the Master's Program (MSc) entitled "Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy" (https://msc-forest.fwsd.uth.gr), of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design(https://fwsd.uth.gr), of the School of Technology, University of Thessaly, in accordance with the Rector's decision no. 15417/20/ΓΠ P.Th. for its establishment (Government Gazette 3685/3-9-2020, vol. B') and No. 89/17.5.2023 (item 8) decision of the Assembly of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, interested parties are invited to submit nominations for their admission to it during the Academic Year 2023-2024.
In Msc university graduates, graduates of the Departments of Forestry, former Forestry and Natural Environment Management, Geotechnical Sciences, Environment, graduates of other University Departments with relative relevance to the subject of the said MSc which, as the case may be, are judged by the competent Postgraduate Student Selection committee, graduates of foreign universities, in a related specialty, after presenting the equivalence of their degree from the competent body.
The MSc is offered in full tuition. The minimum duration of studies for the awarding of the Diploma of Graduate Studies is defined in three academic semesters, which include 10 courses (in the first two semesters) and the preparation of a postgraduate diploma thesis (in the 3rd semester). The total number of credits (ECTS) required to obtain the Diploma is 90 (ninety).
The number of students who will be admitted to MSc according to academic year 2023-2024 amounts to thirty (30).
Registrations at MSc will take place on the second 15th of September 2023, while the courses will start at the beginning of October 2023 and will take place, live and remotely (according to the current legislation), every 15 days, on Friday (afternoon), Saturday and Sunday , in the building facilities of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design in Karditsa.
From the publication of this call for expression of interest until August 31, 2023, interested parties are invited to send the following supporting documents:
- Expression of interest request (in Google Forms format):
2. Copy of police ID.
3. Complete Curriculum Vitae, which will include information on the candidate's studies and, if available, on the candidate's scientific and professional activity.
4. Copies of degrees, accompanied by detailed course grades (or Diploma Annexes) and, in the event that the completion of the studies is pending, a responsible statement that the candidate's graduation is expected by the end of registration at the MSc.
5. Certificate of recognition and equivalence of a degree or diploma (for those from a foreign university).
6. Copies of certificates of knowledge of foreign languages (if any).
7. Evidence of professional, educational experience and scientific activity in general (if any).
8. Letters of recommendation (if any).
The evaluation of the candidates will be based on the overall grading (on a scale of 1 – 100) with the following criteria (the weighting factor of each criterion is shown in parentheses): a) the general grade of the degree/diploma with a minimum score of "Very Good" ( 30%), b) the level of knowledge of the foreign language (10%), c) the publications in scientific journals, announcements at scientific conferences (5%), d) the possession of other Masters Degrees (5%), e) the relevant professional experience (10%), f) letters of recommendation (10%) and g) the interview (30%). Candidates with the highest overall grade are admitted to the MSc. Exceptionally and only in the event that the required number of admitted students (up to 30) has not been completed, candidates with a general degree grade of "Good" may be accepted, according to a documented recommendation of the MSc Coordination Committee and a decision of the Department Assembly.
The Selection Committee will invite to an interview - oral examination those of the candidates who meet the formal and substantive requirements.
The MSc is self-financed and the total fees per student amount to €2800, which are paid in installments in two (2) equal installments, in September and January of each academic year. It is noted that two (2) excellence scholarships are given in the 1st and 2nd semester of studies (€1400 each) to the students who obtain the highest marks in the respective courses. Additionally, as provided by the provisions of article 86 of
N. 4957/2022, up to 30% of the total number of admitted students are exempted from tuition fees based on economic and social criteria (provided that the conditions for excellence during the first cycle of studies are met).
More information is provided by:
- The MSc's Secretariat, Mr. Athanassios Kyriakis, Tel.: +302441064730, E-mail: msc-forest.fwsd@uth.gr
- The Director of the MSc, Professor Michael Vrahnakis, Tel.: +306946281442, E-mail: mvrahnak@uth.gr
- The website of the MSc, https://msc-forest .fwsd.uth.gr
Karditsa, 21/06/2023
The Director of MSc