
The project "Advanced training on sustainable management of pastoral systems" (TranSuMan, https://www.ucv.es/investigacion/transhuman/transuman-events), within the framework of ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 (KA220 HED)- Cooperation partnerships in higher education aims to develop an innovative educational approach to create a professional profile, able to address in an interdisciplinary way the sustainable management of European grassland ecosystems.According to this approach, academic knowledge together with the experience of local actors (stakeholders) contribute to the creation of a favorable learning environment for students (tomorrow's professionals), enabling them to work in a real environment.The specific objectives of the project are: – defining common guidelines and strategies for the sustainable management and utilization of grassland teaching methods and strategies to involve stakeholders in the teaching/learning process. – the transfer of knowledge to students of Higher Education about the complexity of grassland management, including the design of sustainable production chains based on high quality products and the management of processes from the base to the top (bottom up approach).
The project is coordinated by the Universita degli Studi di Camerino (Italy) and the Fundacion Universidad Catolica de Valencia San Vicente Martir (Spain), the Universitatea Babes Bolyai (Romania), and the University of Thessaly is represented by the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design. The members of the Department participate in the project, Professor Mr. Michalis Vrachnakis, Asst. Professor Mr. Ioannis Kazoglou and Asst. Professor Mr. Marios Trigkas. At the same time, it employs a group of students and stakeholders (Green Team). The project lasts until January 2024.
To achieve the goals of the project, an event (roadshow) is organized at the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Planning in Karditsa. The event will be held in the Auditorium of Building A on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 12:00, and will include speeches about the results of the program and mainly the point of view of the participating students.
The program of the event is attached.