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A very important collaboration was signed between the Deans of the Faculty of Forestry of the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada and the Faculty of Technology of the University of Thessaly, for the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design (FWSD), at the initiative of the FWSD Department President Professor Ioannis Papadopoulos on 8.8.2022.
The purpose of the cooperation pact is to strengthen the relationship and encourage cooperation between the Institutions in the fields of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design in matters of: a) exchange of visiting students, researchers, professors and postdoctoral fellows, b) exchange of scientific information, including research papers, theses and books on related topics, c) exchanging invitations to participate in scientific and technical meetings, forums and conferences, d) jointly organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and exhibitions, as well as e) exploring other possible areas of cooperation in various research and academic projects.
We sincerely thank the professor of the UBC School of Forestry in Canada, Mr. Stavros Avramidis, for the actions and the initiative to develop such an important collaboration with the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design, as well as the Deans of the two Schools Professors Robert Kozak and Ilias Savva for the signing of the relevant cooperation agreement.
We hope that the objects of cooperation between the two very worthy Universities will be realized very soon.
The Head of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences & Design
Professor Ioannis Papadopoulos