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International Zero Carbon Conference, 9.-10.4.2024. An online conference for vocational, high school and university students. Presentations by student and stakeholders on Zero Carbon Communities.
- There are two sessions on both days: 10-12 (EEST) and 16-18 (EEST)Information about the conference is at https://bit.ly/zcc_2024
- Registration as a participant in the conference at https://bit.ly/zcc_2024_Registration by 5.4.2024. A teacher can also register their whole class to the conference in one registration. Individual registration is also available.
- Call for student presentations! Students are invited to propose a short presentation for the conference by 27.3. at https://bit.ly/zcc_2024_call_for_presentations
Open university courses:
- Collaborative problem solving in multidisciplinary networks, 5 ECTS, 4.4.-31.5.2024. The theme is bioeconomy as a source of wellbeing and the overall objective is to expose students to working in multicultural, multidisciplinary teams and to increase their working life competences.
- Registrations by 31.3.2024 at https://bit.ly/49IsciK
- Zero Carbon Conference, 2 ECTS, 9.-10.4.2024. Participation in the online Zero Carbon Conference and written assignments after the conference. Registrations by 5.4.2024 at https://bit.ly/zcc_2024_Registration