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In the framework of the operation of the new Master's Program (MSC) entitled "Multifunctional Management of Natural Ecosystems and Bio-economy" of the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of the School of Technology of University of Thessaly, and following the decision of the Assembly of the Department No. 52/1.9.2021 (item 3th) the deadline for submission of the applications of MSc graduate student candidates for the academic year 2021-2022 until Wednesday, September 15, 2021.
The purpose of MSc is the creation of specialized and capable executives of businesses and services, as well as entrepreneurs and researchers in bio-economy matters and the application of its principles in the modern multifunctional management of forest ecosystems and natural resources of great value.
The following are admitted to the MSc: a) University graduates from the Departments of Forestry, Forestry, Wood Science and Design, Departments of Geotechnical Sciences, Departments of the Environment or (f) related specializations, b) Graduates from other Departments of Higher Education (Universities) with relative relevance to the subject in question PMS which are judged by the competent Postgraduate Student Selection Committee on a case-by-case basis, c) Graduates of foreign HEIs, in a relevant specialty, after presenting the equivalence of their degree from the competent body and d) Members of the technical staff member and teaching staff member categories, as long as they meet the conditions of the first paragraph of paragraph 1 of article 34 of Law 4485/2017, can be registered as supernumeraries and only one per year in the MSc of the Department they serve and is relevant to the degree and the work they perform at the relevant Institution .
Details about the course can be found on the website of MSc: http://msc-forest.fwsd. uth.gr/
Details regarding the submission of applications are posted in the call for expressions of interest: http://msc-forest .fwsd.uth.gr/prosklisi_endiaferontos_msc_polyvio_2021/
- Secretariat of the MSc Mr. Athanasios Kyriakis, tel. +30 24410 64750, msc-forest.fwsd @uth.gr, or
- Director of MSc Professor M. Vrahnakis, tel. +306946281442, mvrahnak@uth.gr
The Director of the Graduate Program
Professor of University of Thessaly